Tag Archives: XBox

Call of Duty – a girl’s perspective

24 Feb

Ok so I have spent since Christmas listening to the constant sound of “We have the flag, we dropped the flat, they have our flag…’ ARGHHHHH, I genuinely thought I may destroy the TV if I heard the word flag EVER again.

If you are someone who has played Call of Duty, or like me you have an ‘obsessed with the game’ boyfriend, you will know what I am talking about.

After a few weeks of annoyance I decided to actually sit through him playing the damn thing and see what all the fuss was about and to my suprise I actually quite like it (I am a great spotter!). The problem I find is the controls. It is like trying to learn the coordination to drive a car – which makes no sense because I can drive and he can’t – but if I play I end up constantly looking at the floor only to look up and find myself shot in the face!! Having to control where you look and where you move is hard. That sounds pathetic but I see a lot of sky!!

It is a very good game and as soon as I get the hang of it I have no doubt I will be better than him! I have tried playing the non-online version, or rather I was told to play this as he didn’t want the embarrassment of my skills under his name! I thought I did well – I managed to get Castro (the aim of the game) or so I thought until I was informed this is actually his double and I had not done too well at all. I then fell out the plane to be told ‘Mason what the hell are you doing?’ at which point I turned the whole thing off and threw the controller down in a huff!

It is a great game but it’s hard… for me anyway. I suppose though if it were not then what would be the point?! However I think it is for girls too and we have every chance of being a lot better than the boys… I mean we are better drivers so this can’t be hard!!